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Saturday, July 2, 2011


We all hear them, snippets of other people's conversations. The interesting thing about snippets is that you catch just enough of someone else's conversation to spark your interest.  Depending on what you hear, you may try to complete the thought or even wish you could follow the person down the street to hear the rest.

I was sitting in the small guest room that doubles as my office at our summer house in Connecticut yesterday.  The room fronts on our busy street and since it was a gorgeous day, I opened the outside front door to enjoy the breeze.  A lot of people walk by our house on their way to the point where the beach is located, or to visit the lighthouse museum next door.  The point is a great place to visit: standing on a peninsula in Connecticut, you can see Rhode Island to the east, islands of New York to the south, while taking in a 270° panorama of Fishers Island Sound.

Back to yesterday.  The first comment I heard was, "You can correct somebody on the important things, but not things like that."   Thinking about what I overheard, I thought it made sense.  You can correct someone if they're doing something really stupid, like driving on the wrong side of the road.  But you probably shouldn't correct someone's grammar in public in front of other people.

A little later in the morning a couple walked past the house and all I caught of their conversation was,  "She's got a lot of boyfriends, but who's the father?"  Even though I was totally immersed in writing a review, I found myself daydreaming about the couple and what I had heard.  Was it their daughter?  A friend?  Would the person need a paternity test to find out who the father is?  I'll never know, but I found myself trying to complete their story in my mind.  If it was the first sentence of a novel, I would definitely find it intriguing enough to want to know more!

My husband made the flag gate for me as a birthday gift a few years ago.  I love it!  Thanks, honey!


  1. This is a very intriguing post! I have often been interested in "snippets" too. One of the things I find very interesting is that people seem to think they are having a private conversation when they are in public and using their cell phones. I find it fascinating what people "reveal" to strangers in situations like that.

    Your cottage sounds fascinating -- including the red, white, and blue!


  2. Saloma, thank you! It is amazing what you can overhear just passing people on the street. Don't even get me started on cell phones. I'm really starting to hate when people are on their cell phones in restaurants and stores. A man was standing in the detergent aisle at the supermarket the other day, and I couldn't believe how loudly he was talking.
